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How to Start Locs on Short Hair?

  • 5 min read

How to Start Locs on Short Hair?


Do you have short hair and are now thinking of transforming your look with this stunning hairstyle of dreadlocks? You may have heard that starting dreads with short-haired males is quite challenging. It may seem challenging at first glance, but you can begin to locs on short hair at home with the proper technique. This article will guide you on how to start locs on natural hair through a step-wise process. 

Starting hair locs at home is now easier than getting them from a professional. You can quickly start the dreadlocks with a handful of the right accessories and hair products. Continue reading and learn the best way to start locs on 4c hair. Some simple steps will guide you to start your favorite hairstyle in no time.

Steps of Starting Locs on Short Hair

Some simple steps of starting the locs make this process easy that one must follow. In addition, there are different methods of beginning the locs on different hair types. One way is to take professional help and start locs of any kind. Let your loctician analyze your hair condition and suggest what is best for you. But this is the guide if you want to create locs on your friend's or sibling’s head. 


Step 1: Gather all the hair accessories

Starting locs can be challenging for people who do not know what it is and how to do it. The first important thing is to research about locs. Research and learn what dreadlocks are, how to start locs a home and how they grow. It will help you prepare your mind and will help you learn new things. Take help from YouTube videos and complete your part of the research before diving into the process.

The first step of this procedure is to get your hands on the hair accessories required for starting locs. Easy access to all the necessary hair accessories for the process makes this technique easy to tackle. The hair locticians also use the accessories to handle the load of hair while starting the locks. Following is the list of hair accessories you must have before beginning the locs. 

  •   A rat hair comb
  •   Hair clips
  •   Water
  •   Sealant
  •   A blow dryer
  •   Hooded dryer

Step 2: Partitioning 

Start the process by spraying the sealant. In this step, you will be technically starting the technique.

Partitioning of the head is significant. Many designs can be used for sectioning depending upon different hair locs types. For starter locs, simple portioning works fine. If you want to get any special locs such as microlocs or interlocks, you can get any other pattern from an experienced loctician or hairstylist. 

Grab a rat comb and hair sealant. Use the hair clips to handle the locs on the first attempt. Start from the neck hair and move upward gradually. Take a small head section and divide it into small partitions with the help of a comb. Take a few hair strands and spray leave in hair sealant. Apply the sealant according to the need. The sealant application faster the process and makes the locs more efficiently. 

Step 3: Palm rolling

In this step, use your hand's palms to twist the small sections of your hair. This is a crucial step as you will get the hair twists first, leading to the baby locks. Take a small portion of the hair and then twist it with the help of your hand palms moving from roots to the ends. Enough amount of sealant will hold the twists for a long. Use the clips to keep them in this condition for a long. 

Following the same pattern, cover all the hair. It is best to start locs on 4c hair without using any hair equipment or products. If you are a beginner trying to lock your hair for the first time, go slowly and steadily. Take enough breaks and give twists to the hair. 

Step 4: Blotting

The hair sealant used in the process can delay drying the hair locs. It can be the source of moisture development which can cause fungal infection on the scalp. So, to remove the moisture, use a towel to blot the hair. Once you have installed the twists in the whole head, you can blot the extra moisture. You can also blot small sections of hair. 

Step 5: Drying

Last but not least, the next step of the process is drying the newly developed locks. For drying, there are two methods. One is to use the blow dryer or hair dryer manually, but it can be very challenging. It requires you to hold the blow dryer for almost one very hectic hair. 

Another way to dry the newly formed locks is using the hooded dryer. Place your head in the hooded dryer for 45 minutes and dry the locs completely to get the perfect results.

Step 6: Unclipping

Once your hair is dried completely, you can unclip the hair. This is probably the last step of the process. Remove the clips manually from all the small sections and enjoy free and wild starter locs.  

Your journey has just begun. Now it is up to you to take care of your locks are growing them. Remember that the locs develop into four major stages. Once you start the locs, it is the first stage of the journey, and the locs in this stage are called starter locs or baby locks. The locs grow and mature over two years in the following steps. So, you will need to be patient almost two years to get the final mature locs.

To help you develop the perfect starter locs, here we have some tips that you must follow:

  •   To start your locs at home, keep your hair well moisturized. 
  •   Use organic hair products or essential hair oils for moisturization.
  •   Don’t wash the starter locks in the first month. 
  •   Wash baby locks once a week to prevent unravelling. 
  •   Use the palm-rolling technique at home to retwist the baby locks. 
  •   Don’t over wash your hair every week. 
  •   Use rat combing for the proper partitioning. 

Final words:

To sum up, some people misunderstand the concept of starting locs. They seem to be a tough job, but you can conquer this if you know the proper technique of starting locs at home. Starter locs on short hairstyles well and looks classy. It is one of the easiest ways to transform your look without spending a hefty amount. Complete your part of the research and fetch all the accessories and start the process following our steps and instructions. In the end, hopefully, you will be amazed at the results. Don’t forget to share feedback with us. 



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